An orphan process is a process whose parent has finished. Suppose P1 and P2 are two process such that P1 is the parent process and P2 is the child process of P1. Now, if P1 finishes before P2 finishes, then P2 becomes an orphan process. The following programs we will see how to create an orphan process.
Program1: To create a normal child (duplicate) process (no orphan process in this case)
#include<stdio.h #include<unistd.h> #include<sys/types.h> int main() { pid_t p; p=fork(); if(p==0) //child { printf("I am child having PID %d\n",getpid()); printf("My parent PID is %d\n",getppid()); } else //parent { printf("I am parent having PID %d\n",getpid()); printf("My child PID is %d\n",p); } }

This is a normal duplication of process. The Parent process having PID 130 creates a child process with PID 131.
Program 2: Program to create an orphan process
if(p==0) { sleep(5); //child goes to sleep and in the mean time parent terminates printf("I am child having PID %d\n",getpid()); printf("My parent PID is %d\n",getppid()); } else { printf("I am parent having PID %d\n",getpid()); printf("My child PID is %d\n",p); } }

How it Works?
In this code, we add sleep(5) in the child section. This line of code makes the child process go to sleep for 5 seconds and the parent starts executing. Since, parent process has just two lines to print, which it does well within 5 seconds and it terminates. After 5 seconds when the child process wakes up, its parent has already terminated and hence the child becomes an orphan process. Hence, it prints the PID of its parent as 1 (1 means the init process has been made its parent now) and not 138.
Note: The process will not return to the command prompt. Hence, use Ctrl+C to come to the command prompt. What can be the possible reason?
Practice Programs on Program to create an orphan process
Q1. Create two child process C1 and C2. Make sure that only C2 becomes an orphan process.
Viva Questions on Program to create an orphan process
Q1. What is an orphan process?
Q2. What is the importance of using sleep() function in the above code?
Q3. Why the program didn’t return the command prompt even after termination?