The Evolution of Operating Systems

By dextutor

Binary Beginnings

Manchester Mark 1 EDSAC Data and instructions are represented in 1s and 0s

Mainframe Systems

IBM's OS/360. Powerhouses of early computing, handling large-scale data processing.


Personal Computers

MS-DOS(1981) Apple DOS(1978) Empowering individuals with computing capabilities at home and the workplace


GUI Revolution

Macintosh (1984), Windows 3.0 (1990), Xerox PARC's Alto (1973 Enabled intuitive icons, windows, and mouse-based interactions)


Windows Dominance

Windows 95, Windows XP, and subsequent versions. Achieved widespread popularity.

Mobile Revolution

Palm OS (1996), Symbian(2000), BlackBerry OS(1999) Early Mobile OS catered to specific mobile device 


Rise of Linux

Debian(1993) Ubuntu(2004) Fedora(2003) Open-source OS gained popularity.

Modern OS

Windows 10, macOS, and Linux distributions User-friendly interfaces, powerful productivity tools, and robust software.