Operating System Lab System callswrite()/read() system callsopen() system calllseek() system calldup() system callProcessProcess Duplication using fork()Program for wait() system callProgram to create an Orphan ProcessCreating a Zombie ProcessUnderstanding the execl() system callDifference between system() vs execl() ThreadProgram to create threads in linuxProgram to return integer value from threadProgram to pass array to threadDeadlockProgram to simulate Deadlock using threadsSynchronizationRace ConditionProcess synchronization using mutex locksProcess synchronization using semaphoresDining Philosopher ProblemInter-Process Communication (IPC)Program for IPC using popen/pcloseProgram for IPC using pipe() functionProgram for IPC using named pipes(mkfifo)Program for IPC using shared memoryProgram for IPC using Message Queues Disk Scheduling AlgorithmsFCFS algorithm programSSTF algorithm programSCAN algorithm prohramLOOK algorithm programPage Replacement Algorithms