/**/ Banker's Algorithm - Dextutor - Operating System
Banker's Algorithm

Banker’s Algorithm

Banker’s Algorithm – is a technique used for deadlock avoidance when there are multiple instances of a resource.

Important Points:

  1. Can be used only when multiple instances exists.
  2. Every process
    1. Tells the max. no. of instances of any resource it requires
    2. The maximum need can not exceed the total number of resources in the system.
  3. On every request the system determines whether granting that request will leave the system in safe state or not.
  4. Data structures required
    1. Available – no. of available resources of each type
    2. Max – maximum need of any process for any resource
    3. Allocation – number of resources allocated to each process
    4. Need – (Max – Allocation)

Banker’s Algorithm Implementation

This algorithm requires four data structures to be implemented:

  1. Available – no. of available resources of each type with the system.
  2. Max – maximum need of any process for any resource
  3. Allocation – number of resources allocated to each process
  4. Need – is calculated based on the formula (Max – Allocation)

Safety Algorithm [1]

  1. Let Work and Finish be vectors of length m and n, respectively.
    Work = Available
    Finish [i] = false for i =0,1,2,3, …, n.
  2. Find an i such that both:
    (a) Finish [i] = false
    (b) Needi <= Work
    If no such i exists, go to step 4.
  3. Work = Work + Allocationi
    Finish[i] = true
    go to step 2.
  4. If Finish [i] == true for all i, then the system is in a safe state

Request Algorithm [1]

Request = request vector for process Pi. If Requesti [j] = k then
process Pi wants k instances of resource type Rj.

  1. If Requesti <= Needi go to step 2. Otherwise, raise error condition,
    since process has exceeded its maximum claim.
  2. If Requesti <= Available, go to step 3. Otherwise Pi must wait, since
    resources are not available.
  3. Pretend to allocate requested resources to Pi by modifying the state
    as follows:
    Available= Available – Requesti;
    Allocationi = Allocationi + Requesti;
    Needi = Needi – Requesti;;
    • If safe => the resources are allocated to Pi.
    • If unsafe => Pi must wait, and the old resource-allocation state
    is restored

PPT on Banker’s Algorithm

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Video on Banker’s Algorithm

Example of Banker’s Algorithm

Q. Consider a system with five processes Po through P4 and three resource types A, B, and C. Resource type A has 10 instances, resource type B has 5 instances, and resource type C has 7 instances. Suppose that, at time T0 , the following snapshot of the system has been taken:

Banker's Algorithm Question


Available instaces of A = Total – Allocated = 10 – (0+2+3+2+0) = 3
Similarly, Available instaces of B = Total – Allocated = 5 – (1+0+0+1+0) = 3
Finally, Available instaces of C = Total – Allocated = 7 – (0+0+2+1+2) = 2


Next, Calculate Need by using the formula
Need = Max – Allocation
………………………A B C
Need for P0 = 7 4 3
Hence, the entire scenario looks like

Banker's Algorithm solution

Now find out any process whose Need can be satisfied with Available. P1 is one such process. So, Add P1 to safe sequence <P1>.
Update the Available by using formula
Available = Available + Allocation of process added to safe sequence (P1)
So, new Available is 5 3 2
Next, find out another process whose Need is less than the updated Available i.e., 5 3 2.
P3 is one such process. Hence, Add P3 to safe sequence <P1, P3>.
Now, Update Available by adding Allocation of P3 to current Available.
Proceed in the same manner. If all the process can be added to the safe sequence then the system is in safe state otherwise not.

Practice Question on Banker’s Algorithm

Q1. Consider a system with four processes Po through P3 and four resource types A, B, C and D. Resource type A has 6 instances, resource type B has 9 instances, resource type C has 6 instances, and D has 9 instances. Suppose that, at time T0 , the following snapshot of the system has been taken:


Is the system in safe state or not?
Can a request of P3 for <1,1,1,1> be granted?

[1]Galvin, P. B., Gagne, G., & Silberschatz, A. Operating system concepts. John Wiley & Sons, 8th Edition

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