/**/ How to Access Pen-drive in Windows Sub-System for Linux - Dextutor

How to Access Pen-drive in Windows Sub-System for Linux

At times, we require to transfer contents to or from the pendrive from WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux). So, in this tutorial we will learn How to Access Pen-drive in Windows Sub-System for Linux

To access Pen-drive in Windows Sub-System for Linux, we have to mount the pendrive. So, follow the below mentioned steps:

Step1: Plugin the pendrive

Step2: Check what is the drive symbol (E or F etc). Let’s suppose the symbol allocated to the pendrive is ‘E’

Step3: Create a directory in your current working directory to mount the pendrive. Mount means you will be able to view the contents in this particular directory
$mkdir pen_content

Step4: Mount the pendrive using the command
#mount -t drvfs E: pen_content
Note: you have be root user to execute the mount command

Step5: View/Access the contents from the pen_content directory
$ls pendrive

How to Access ‘C’ drive in WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)

To access any of the drives like C or D or E, simple access the /mnt directory in Linux.

How to Access Pen-drive in Windows Sub-System for Linux

Now, you know the location of all the drives, so, use any of the command as desired like

$cp f1 /mnt/c/Users/Baljit/Desktop

will copy file f1 from current working directory to Desktop in Windows.

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